
Looking for yoga or mat Pilates classes in Peterborough? All of our classes take place in-person, in our studio.

Book your classes and manage your own schedule through our Mindbody booking system!

  1. Purchase class passes, which go on your Mindbody account.
  2. Book your classes through the Mindbody app or through our online schedule (scroll down to live links, below).
  3. Explore – you can mix and match class times, styles, and instructors!
  4. To change or cancel your booking, head back into your Mindbody account. Please see our FAQs for more information about cancellations.

No Drop ins Please: Please do not drop in without pre-booking your spot.

Waitlist: Spots open up regularly so if the class you want is full, add yourself to the waitlist! (Please make sure that you have “Text” enabled under “Reminders and Schedule Changes” in your Mindbody account to be notified of waitlist openings).

Account Credit: To pay with credit that you may have on your account, please log into Mindbody using this link.

Please see our FAQs for more answers to your questions!